Exploring my generative roots and rebooting some of the work, restarting the engines and reinterpreting, reshooting snapshots is a lot of fun. I took me a while to get all the code running again. But here we are, rebooting Pegasus, my first generative art engine from 2007.

For sale are unique 4400 x 2750 pixel snapshots and a few 4k animations. Get them here: https://foundation.app/collection/0pgsrs01

I wrote the first version of this code with pen and paper at a beach in Italy. I was too bored to just sit in the sun or read a book.
Back in the office it took just a little bit of debugging and the „Pegasus“ engine was born. It soon came to life in realtime art installations, high resolution snapshot prints, books and articles on generative art. From Europe to the US and Japan.

I also love to add my favorite „Trust us – we are scientists“ tagline to the artworks. When I started my design office back in the days we printed very special business cards with our logo printed with a silver scratch-off ink on the back. People who realized you could scratch the back uncovered the slogan. The controversy on faith in science is something to think about.

The animation engine in action: https://youtu.be/iR8Ko0vNS5k

Stay tuned for more collections soon. I’m going to reboot more configurations.